The cohort

About the 2000HIV cohort

The 2000HIV study is a longitudinal cohort study in which 1895 virally suppressed people living with HIV were recruited between 2019 and 2021 from 4 Dutch HIV treatment centers: OLVG in Amsterdam, Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, Elisabeth-TweeSteden Ziekenhuis in Tilburg and Radboudumc in Nijmegen.

For the majority, the cohort comprises white men having sex with men (MSM). However, also 10% black people and 15% females have joined the study. Additionally, several different extreme HIV clinical phenotypes were included, among which are elite controllers, immunological non-responders and rapid progressors. This makes the 2000HIV cohort a heterogeneous group, but this also allows for many comparisons and stratifications within the cohort.

The infographic below is a figure as presented in: The multi-omics 2000HIV study: design, methods and patient characteristics W. Vos, A. Groenendijk, et al. – Frontiers Immunology –Viral Immunology, 20 Dec 2022